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Тендеры России | Центральный ФО | г. Москва | Карточка тендера 185332475

Тендер - ИСАБ С.р.л. объявляет тендер: Electro-Instrumental Works 5-year Framework Agreement (2021-2025) ISAB S.r.l. /2 lots/ ON THE: Lot 1: South IGCC Sites; Lot 2: North Site. PJSC LUKOIL invites you to participate in the tender “№12.TK.TND.ISAB.2020 Electro-Instrumental Works 5-year Framework Agreement (2021-2025) ISAB S.r.l. (2 lots: South IGCC Sites and North Site)” for ordinary, preventive, on condition maintenance and installations for new construction / refurbishment of Electrical and Instrumental systems and equipment at the production sites of the ISAB Srl located in Priolo Gargallo (SR), Italy. The deadline for application submission 29.04.2021. The deadline for offer submission 29.05.2021. The procedure to follow and the requirements necessary to participate in the tender are indicated in the tender announcement published in the website address http://www.lukoil.com/Company/Tendersandauctions/Tenders. In case you need technical assistance, please refer to the following contacts: e-mail: olesya.sukhanovskaya@lukoil.com Olesya Sukhan №185332475

Описание тендера: ИСАБ С.р.л. объявляет тендер: Electro-Instrumental Works 5-year Framework Agreement (2021-2025) ISAB S.r.l. /2 lots/ ON THE: Lot 1: South IGCC Sites; Lot 2: North Site. PJSC LUKOIL invites you to participate in the tender “№12.TK.TND.ISAB.2020 Electro-Instrumental Works 5-year Framework Agreement (2021-2025) ISAB S.r.l. (2 lots: South IGCC Sites and North Site)” for ordinary, preventive, on condition maintenance and installations for new construction / refurbishment of Electrical and Instrumental systems and equipment at the production sites of the ISAB Srl located in Priolo Gargallo (SR), Italy. The deadline for application submission 29.04.2021. The deadline for offer submission 29.05.2021. The procedure to follow and the requirements necessary to participate in the tender are indicated in the tender announcement published in the website address http://www.lukoil.com/Company/Tendersandauctions/Tenders. In case you need technical assistance, please refer to the following contacts: e-mail: olesya.sukhanovskaya@lukoil.com Olesya Sukhan
Сумма контракта: См. документацию Получить финансовую помощь
Начало показа: 16.04.2021
Окончание: 29.04.2021
Тендер №: 185332475
Тип: Конкурс Тендерная аналитика
Отрасль: Машиностроение / Ремонт, обслуживание, пуско-наладочные работы
Регион: Центральный ФО / г. Москва
Источник: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
Торговая площадка: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

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Лот 1

Предмет контракта: Electro-Instrumental Works 5-year Framework Agreement (2021-2025) ISAB S.r.l. /2 lots/ ON THE: Lot 1: South IGCC Sites; Lot 2: North Site. PJSC LUKOIL invites you to participate in the tender “№12.TK.TND.ISAB.2020 Electro-Instrumental Works 5-year Framework Agreement (2021-2025) ISAB S.r.l. (2 lots: South IGCC Sites and North Site)” for ordinary, preventive, on condition maintenance and installations for new construction / refurbishment of Electrical and Instrumental systems and equipment at the production sites of the ISAB Srl located in Priolo Gargallo (SR), Italy. The deadline for application submission 29.04.2021. The deadline for offer submission 29.05.2021. The procedure to follow and the requirements necessary to participate in the tender are indicated in the tender announcement published in the website address http://www.lukoil.com/Company/Tendersandauctions/Tenders. In case you need technical assistance, please refer to the following contacts: e-mail: olesya.sukhanovskaya@lukoil.com Olesya Sukhan
Цена контракта: 0,00 RUB

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Тендер №185332431
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